Steven Selvanis

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Template:Infobox playerSteven Selvanis is a wide receiver for the Nashville Tuts.


Steven, as the son of a doctor and a dentist, there were a number of things that most would have expected of him. Good health, check; good teeth, check; health conscious, check; go into the family "Doctor of" status... No. He had the best hands-on training of health and hygiene consciousness as his parents helped to teach (or drill into) him all the good habits, but as far as aspirations, he never wanted to be the doctor that his parents (nor so much of his extended family) were. In a way, he would say that it didn't seem special to be a doctor in his family with most of his extended family in a medical or professional doctorate? Besides, why do what was expected when someone can do something spectacularly unexpected?

So as it turned out, he became book-smart at school and home, but learned how to be street-wise and fast on the fields and in the gym. He would often split his time between games of pick up, school athletics, and his studies. Being fast on his feet and good with his hands easily led him to to become quite the high school star Wide Receiver. Even with so much time spent in athletics, he managed a B average over his time in high school.

His handling of his high school games eventually led to interest by the scouts and for him to take advantage of his earned athletics scholarship at Florida Feline, where he took up a Physical Education program. As his career at Florida Feline continued, scouts noted his speed and agility, using his natural physical talents in order to juke and swing past the opposing players. So as he worked through college, he finally seemed to find a way to stand out from his family, but now, with the UFFL draft coming up, would he make it, and stand out from the crowd of doctors, known as his family?


What is your receiver's favorite vacation spot? What do they like to do there?

Smokey Mountains for hiking and camping.

Receivers must be agile and have great hands/paws, but not all species are built like that. What does your player do to improve their abilities?

He improves his natural eye/paw coordination with drills, running catch drills, and the like.

Football players sign contracts with teams to get paid millions of dollars. When your player is signed to a team, are they going to care more about security (staying on a team longer) or money (earning the big $$$) in their contract offer?

Security is often the better answer. Long term planning is key.

What is your player doing in the off-season to improve their chances of being drafted higher?

Visit the training camps, work to get interviews and time with the scouts and team representitives.

Contract Info

Player Manager Akkarri
Salary (per year) $3,550,000
Exp. Date 3/1/2021



Year Team G Rec Yds Yds/ Rec LNG TDs FUM
2016 GRD 16 35 436 12.5
2017 GRD 16 39 563 14.4
2018 NSH

Win-Loss Record

Total Record: --

2016 Grand Rapids
2017 Grand Rapids
2018 Nashville