Olaf Gundersen

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Template:Infobox player

Olaf Gundersen is a rookie kicker for the Texas Ramblers. He was drafted last in the 2016 UFFL Draft, giving him the dubious honor of "Mr. Furrelevant 2016."


Tall, lanky, and a bit too used to the cold, Olaf contrasts greatly from the other members of the 2016 draft. An ungulate and a Norwegian, Gundersen's first memory of American football was an old FAFF match recap airing on F-SPIN. He was already great at football/soccer, but despite having great control of the ball, he was too slow and could be easily caught up to by the faster species. In college, Olaf stopped focusing on soccer and switched to practicing to be a professional Kicker for the FAFF.

One year later, the FAFF folded, and Gundersen's hopes faded until the UFFL reopened the door in 2014. He took whatever measures he could after that, until he had enough money to move from Norway to the United States in mid 2015.

He has spent about a year in the United States, performing in drills and tryouts wherever possible, as it is rather difficult for Europeans to break through the American football market. Universities like Florida Agricultural and Midwest Ungulate gave him high ranks; most universities state that they would have signed him to the team if he were still searching for schooling options.

Olaf has received special permission from the UFFL Committee Board to retain his antlers, with the precautionary steps taken to protect others from injury by wearing caps on the pointed parts.


Kickers and Punters are typically less physical positions than other positions in American football. How does your player stay in shape physically despite their physicalities (hooved feet, short legs, heavy tails, etc.)?

With hooved feet, Olaf has an advantage in power that other draftees in 2016 do not have - the sensitivity and length of the foot is beneficial. By contrast, however, his fitness and strength is below average for a football player. Despite this, Gundersen is in generally good shape.

How would your player respond to the question, "What team are you most hoping drafts you to their team?"

"Jeg vet ikke noen av lagene! Er det ikke det ene kalt "Ponies"? Vennligst ikke send meg til dette stedet!"

Football players sign contracts with teams to get paid millions of dollars. When your player is signed to a team, are they going to care more about security (staying on a team longer) or money (earning the big $$$) in their contract offer?

Olaf hopes for a long career, but it should be expected that someone in his position (moving across the ocean for his career) is interested in the monetary benefits.

What is your player doing in the off-season to improve their chances of being drafted higher?

Olaf continues to tour the US and Canada, having public practice sessions with college and secondary football teams.

Contract Info

Player Manager MadWorld
Salary (per year) $1,000,000
Exp. Date 3/1/2018



Current Season:

Year Team GS FG Made FG Att PtA Made PtA Att Touchbacks
2016 TEX

Win-Loss Record

Total Record: --

2016 (TEX) --