Roy Viridi-Aqua

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Template:Infobox player Roy Viridi-Aqua is a prospective wide receiver for the 2015 UFFL Draft.


Roy as a mutt is mixed of many dogs, but looks between the mix of a Golden Retriever and Chow. When his fur is fully grown out, it makes him appear chunky but when given short trimmed cut his appearance vastly changes to an average Golden Retriever. His attitude is positive, if not overly so. But if negativity effects him, it hits him hard and is not afraid to show he is upset. This can be both a good and bad thing. His play improves but his attitude is largely negative. A fine detail is the large scare across his left arm, that starts at the top of the shoulder and goes down to the wrist. It was a deep wound, and it still effects him to this day. His only family is his adopted mother, Dekala Viridi-Aqua, who is a dragon and will attend every game he plays for protection.

As a football player, he is fairly new, having played baseball most of his sports career. However, he has learned many skills that have benefited him. He is quick and nimble, tough and able to take a hit. His most valuable skill is his ability to know where and how to catch the ball.
Overall Stats (2014 at AoA)
REC: 18 YDS: 212 AVG: 7.98 TDS: 2

Strengths: Able to accelerate and make tight turns while having a sense of where the ball is at in the air. Agile and able to make tough dives when catching. Can get a sense of the direction of quarterback motion, giving him a better chance to make a play with the ball. Tough and not easy to take down once in motion. He enjoys the game and inspires others to work as hard as he does.

Weaknesses: His left arm is not at full potential after the injury and can cause drops if a catch is dependent on it. If too much pressure is applied, it will shake and cause discomfort, making it a big distraction when the game is on the line. Tackling is an issue whenever a interception or fumble is recovered by opposing team. Although he has made nice catches, they seldom turn into touchdowns, which needs to change.

NFL Comparasion: Colin Kaepernick (not good at passing at all though)

History: Roy "Treasure Tennis" Viridi-Aqua is a 24 year old recent graduate at Albuquerque College of Athletics, putting his name and skills in the United Furry Football League (UFFL) 2015 Rookie Draft.  Roy has never been one for the spot light when it comes to sports, but some say it is destiny based on his history and experiences.

Throws: Left


Receivers have to have good hands/paws/etc. to play in the UFFL. What does your player do to improve their catch ability?

Even when he first picked up a ball, he naturally had a feel to how to catch it. Playing Baseball most of his life, he developed a natural feeling for predicting where a ball will be and how he can catch it. He will always catch the ball, but the problem is what can he do once he has it. At this point in time, his injury will only affect him when pushed to the limits, but as his career goes on, it will be a problem. Constant training and workouts keep him ready for any pass.

Football players sign contracts with teams to get paid millions of dollars. When your player is signed to a team, are they going to care more about security (staying on a team longer) or money (earning the big $$$) in their contract offer?

Roy is ready to play for anyone that asks for him, but once he finds a team, loyalty to that team will be a must. Security, trust and the ability to establish good skills just not on the field and off is what Roy is all about. Roy doesn't like the limelight, but he is well trained in it, and knows ways about the media and its influence on sports in general. He will improve the team anyway he can. 

If you asked your receiver, "What do you do in your free time?" how would they respond?

Right now I am doing some Volunteer work at the local schools to get more kids active. Also. my arm has been acting up lately, so I also been doing more training and stretches to make sure it's not a problem. I usually try to keep below the spotlight though, so if I can I keep to myself to relax.

What is your player doing in the off-season to improve their chances of being drafted higher?

Knowing his last season wasn't a quick seller, and that he doesn't have a lot of years or stats to impress anyone, Roy is training harder than he every has before. He wants to be more accurate, and to prove he can catch any ball thrown at him. He also knows that running is just as important as catching, and runs marathons weekly to improve his time, endurance and overall stamina to make that 100 yard line run.

Contract Info

Player Manager erfson
Salary TBD
Exp. Date TBD



Year GS Rec Yds Yds/ Rec LNG TDs FUM

Win-Loss Record

Total Record: --