UFFLWiki:General Manager SOP

From UFFL Wiki

This page outlines the standard operating procedures for all sixteen (16) general managers in the UFFL. Consider this the official instruction book for the position.

Message a Commissioner if you see a problem or have questions.

Owning a Team

Actors: General Manager, VP

Scenario: You have applied for and been accepted as the General Manager of a team. This is the routine that should be followed to guarantee a well-kept team.


  • Once you have received your team:
    • A Commissioner will grant access to the team's management spreadsheet to the email you applied with (( G-Mail preferred. )) Confirm that you have editing access to this sheet via the link provided on your team's Wiki page.
  1. Receive a message granting management of the team.
  2. Visit your team's page on the Wiki (navigate to the home page > Teams)
  3. Click the -- LINK HERE -- window. This will open a new tab in your browser. Confirm that Google Docs are supported on your browser.
    • Once editing access is confirmed, make any aesthetic changes that you wish to make. You can change who the coaches are, stadium information, and official team colors on the HOME page of your spreadsheet. If you wish to make a drastic change to the team (such as relocate or rename the team), you must contact the Commissioners for approval. Coaching attributes are explained in the UFFLWiki:Rules document hosted on this Wiki (under 'Simulation'). Any changes you make to the sheets are automatically saved.
    • Take some time to familiarize yourself with your team and its current issues. Does your team have a good defense / offense, or should you draft some new players that would make your team better? What positions look like they are struggling? You can view the statistics pages from the past or current season to make some initial determinations.
    • Some the members of your team have personalities - some do not. This is an opportunity to make them "real" - bring them to life!
    • Identify your team's needs, and list potential players to draft on the Draft 20XX page in your spreadsheet. You must choose players to draft prior to the draft date set by the Commissioners.
  • During the off-season, coordinate with other members of the community to visualize players, work on improving the team, and share art or stories. Be sure, however, that you are following all rules and procedures. The UFFL shares a furry universe with the FBA and FAFL, so many of the rules that apply there also apply to the UFFL.

During the season:

  • Coordinate with other members and player agents of your team during each week of the regular season. If there are changes that need to be made to the spreadsheet due to a player's agent's decision, make them. If nothing is bothering you with your rosters or the game plan, then you're good to go!
    • Remember the 6-week Rule – if you do not appropriately handle your team's issues during the regular season for more than 4 weeks, you are at risk of losing your management position. Commissioners are required to message you about your absence after 4 weeks of inactivity, and again at 5 weeks. See 'Scenario 2' below for more information.
  • Check your spreadsheet and make changes to the spreadsheet every week. Most often, changes are needed due to injuries and signings/releases. Commissioners can view any changes and updates made, as the settings are transferred accordingly to the simulator. Failure to maintain a team will result in a drop in the team's overall performance, ability, and stats, and increases your team's chance of losing games. If you are having a difficult time maintaining your team, consider finding and hiring a Head Coach to manage your team's game plan, or step down (see 'Scenario 1' below.)
  • Update your team's Depth Chart prior to NOON PST (3 pm EST) on your team's game day (usually Sunday). Update this directly in the spreadsheet (shared between you and the Commissioners). Replace injured players, bench or start new players, and whatever else you wish to do to improve your chances of winning. We don't send out reminders.
  • Watch for the game results! Occasionally we will show off the simulator or do a play-by-play within Discord, but it's not SUPER-thrilling. In the future, we may vote for the Game of the Week on Discord - stay tuned.
  • View your final score, statistics, and take note of your performance. Your spreadsheet will reflect the game's results within 24 hours, but you can see them immediately at [1]. **Comment and grouse on Discord! Use the results to make changes for upcoming weeks to your roster. Pay attention to any injuries that your team endures; these are listed on the Your Roster tab.
  • Manage and contribute to the development of your team! We are serious! The more ambitious you are, the better your team or player will do (and the more interesting the league will be!)
  • Make your choices for signing and releasing players during the season and off-season.
  • Every General Manager's spreadsheet is viewable by members of the community by using the links on the Wiki - they can View, but not Edit - only you can Edit. This technically means that if you want to “spy” on your other teams and view their game plans - by all means. The ability to edit other team's pages is not possible - you are locked out by default. However, if you do somehow manage to find a way and “edit” other team’s arrangements and content in other locations, this behavior is strictly prohibited and may result in an automatic loss of a game or losing your General Manager position. So beware!

Hey, so I'm a General Manager, I guess. What can General Managers do?

  • Elect a friend to the Head Coach position. Their responsibility becomes updating the game plan and depth chart each week.
  • Prepare for the draft – select players to draft, make trades and releases with other General Managers, and constantly review your team's needs.
  • Bench, sit, drop, release or trade players on the team.
  • Update the depth chart (based on injuries, trades, preferences, etc.) – it’s like a game of chess. You move the pieces, and watch what the result is.
  • Participate in UFFL league rule changes - this was traditionally done via the UFFL forum.
  • Create content for the league and your team & players.

Losing Your GM Position

Actors: General Manager, Commissioner(s)

Scenario #1: For whatever reason, you no longer want to be the General Manager.

  1. Send the Commmissioner(s) an email (ufurryfootball@gmail.com), a message on Discord, a private message on FurAffinity, or any other method of notification stating that you wish to quit being a General Manager. Preferably, General Managers give up their position at the completion of the regular season, but circumstances may occur and you need to leave prior to this.
  2. A Commissioner will need confirmation from specifically you that you truly do intend/wish to quit. Nobody else can communicate your departure on your behalf.
  3. Once the abandonment has been confirmed:
    • You will lose editing abilities to the team's spreadsheet.
    • You will be removed from the #gm_office channel on Discord.
    • If there is a Head Coach (second-in-line), they will be first contacted with the opportunity to be promoted to General Manager. If the Head Coach declines to take over, the opportunity goes to the community waiting list. If nobody is in the waiting list, the position is publicized as being open to any member of the public who wishes to apply.
  4. Feel free to involve (or uninvolve yourself) in other ways with the league.
    • Just because you quit being a General Manager doesn't mean you can't stay involved, unless there has been a legitimate complaint filed against you (for whatever reason) that breaches UFFL rules or the Code of Conduct. If you outright quit, you can apply for another team if you wish.
    • If your abandonment of GM responsibilities coincides with you also wishing to remove your players from the league, they will be "retired" in-canon at the end of the regular season. We do not remove or destroy art or stories created for that player once they are retired.

Scenario #2: A General Manager has not been actively updating their team during the regular season for more than four (4) weeks.

  1. The General Manager will be sent an email or PM by the Commissioner to the GM's Discord account after four weeks of inactivity. This is a courtesy message. The General Manager has one week (7 days) to respond to the email or PM and provide reasoning for their absence.
  2. If no response is received within those 7 days, you will be sent a final warning. You have 7 additional days after that final warning to respond, or the management position will be automatically withdrawn from you. The following applies:
    • You will lose editing privileges to your spreadsheet.
    • You will be removed from the #gm_office channel on Discord.
    • The Head Coach (if there is one) receives full editing rights (unless otherwise specified).
    • Your removal from the position is up to the league GMs (a "Class I" vote).
    • Most crucially, your negligence is made public. At this stage, the process for your team to be taken over is initiated. Your last chance starts here - if you wish to keep your team, and there is a legitimate, well-grounded reason that you haven't, please contact a Commissioner.
  3. Depending on the results of the Class I vote, the Commissioner will send a final email or PM to you indicating that your General Manager position has been revoked. Depending on the reason, one of the following applies:
    • You will be unable to apply for another General Manager position for the rest of the season.
    • You will be unable to reinvolve yourself in the league until the following season (or until further notice).
    • Harrassment or otherwise unsavory behavior (especially in the UFFL Discord) as a result of your revoked position will not be tolerated. The behavior will be reported, and could result in being banned from the league.

Scenario #3: The General Manager has used illegitimate means to break UFFL Rules or regulations; has broken an aspect of the agreed-upon Code of Conduct; the GM deleted another user's content from the Wiki; the GM has harrassed or been abusive against another member of the UFFL; inappropriately provoked UFFL members, or has cheated other UFFL members.

  1. A Commissioner will send you an email warning you of the possibility of immediate removal from your position. The time frame of the 6-week Rule outlined above may be bypassed.
    • You will immediately lose all management privileges within the league. Depending on the seriousness of the claims, your players may also be removed from other teams. This decision is made without the initiation of a Class I vote.
    • You can appeal this status, but depending on the severity of the issue, the appeal may be rejected or ignored.
    • Your removal will be publicized as a 'Resignation' or 'abandonment' - it's up to you how you wish others to perceive your sudden dismissal...
    • The Head Coach receives first dibs at full Team Manager rights.
  2. If the accusation is abuse or harrassment-related:
    • If it occurs on FurAffinity, a COC report on FurAffinity will be filed against you. All rules apply to this league, which is home-based on the FurAffinity website. AUP regulations also apply.
    • If it occurs on Discord, a report may be sent if it violates their Terms of Service or Community Guidelines.
      • Discord recommends that each server moderate and handle conflict resolution. The UFFLWiki:Rules page and Code of Conduct outline the expectations for behavior and processes for termination. You may be banned from the UFFL server (and others if we perceive other furry league servers would be at risk if you remained around.)
  3. If the accusation is unwarranted provocation, or the accusation is successfully repealed:
    • Team Management privileges will be restored. This incident will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
    • We'd be lying if we said we won't be watching you closely after a successful repeal. Members who submit an unnecessary amount of appeals or subjugate others to several complaints against their name may also be under grounds for dismissal from the UFFL. This is considered slander, and is highly inappropriate for this type of environment. We are all meant to get along, yo.